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Saved Filters

Create chat filters within the team to make it easier for the admin team to respond to customer chats.

Whether you're handling customer inquiries, collaborating with team members, or simply trying to stay on top of your customer chats, staying organized is key. With Saved Filters, you can create and save filters based on various criteria such as label, chat status, assignee, or read status. Gone are the days of sifting through countless customer chats to find the ones that matter most to you. Now, you can quickly navigate to different inboxes in a matter of seconds, making your workflow more efficient than ever before.

Saved Filters

Any filter created by an admin in your organization will appear under the "All team filters" section. This means that your entire team can benefit from standardized filters, ensuring everyone follows the same organization structure. It's a game-changer for team collaboration and ensures that important emails are never overlooked.

We understand that everyone's workflow is unique, which is why we've included the ability to favorite individual filters which only apply to your account. This means you can tailor your inbox to your specific needs without affecting the team's shared filters

Saved Filters

With Saved Filters, your team of admins can organize their inbox better and respond to customers much faster. No more time wasted on finding specific customer chats; instead, focus on what really matters – delivering exceptional service and growing your business.

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Latest features on Zaapi

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Download order information

Download order information

Systematically download customer order information

Create and Manage Orders
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Saved Filters

Saved Filters

Create chat filters within the team to make it easier for the admin team to respond to customer chats.

Customise Workflows
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Respond to Customers on Desktop & Mobile

Respond to Customers on Desktop & Mobile

No matter where you are, you can use Zaapi anytime, anywhere. Our system supports both mobile phones and computers, iOS and Android.

Centralise Chats
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Create Orders in Chat

Create Orders in Chat

On Zaapi's system, users can create orders for customers and send payment channels instantly in the chat. Reduce admin team workflow to increase sales

Create and Manage Orders
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Inventory Management

Inventory Management

Real-time inventory Set up merchandise status instantly on Zaapi

Create and Manage Orders
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Multiple Payment Methods

Multiple Payment Methods

Supports a wide range of payments, complete with payments on Zaapi's system.

Create and Manage Orders
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Share items in chat

Share items in chat

Share items instantly in Zaapi chat

Create and Manage Orders
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Store customer data

Store customer data

Systematically store customer data in Zaapi to improve admin responses

Record Customer Information
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View Ad Source in Chat

View Ad Source in Chat

Customers come from any Ads you know. View Chat Ads on Zaapi

Record Customer Information
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Add Custom Labels

Add Custom Labels

Merchant businesses can tag customers to know which group of customers they are to better serve their customers.

Customise Workflows